A last, a morning routine

Long time readers may recall my decades-long quest to have a morning routine. It seems I finally have the bones of one, and it’s all thanks to Wordle

Nearly every morning this year has started with Wordle, sometimes even before I take my thimble-sized bladder to the loo. I cross my legs and guess quickly. 

The next step in the routine is to text Gareth the result, whether he’s away at work or sitting beside me. That’s three subjects we text about now: 1) dinner 2) cat 3) Wordle.

We’re very competitive about it, but have completely different approaches.

If it's going badly after two guesses, I tend to say “Ahh, F*CK IT!” and start hurling random nouns, because I struggle to tolerate a morsel of discomfort and want it to be over immediately. 

Gareth takes a slow and methodical approach, pondering for ages and ages and bloody ages. He’s perfectly happy to walk away from it, sometimes for ten hours, before making his next move!

File under: “How you do one thing is how you do everything”. 

(We recently discovered that his parents solve the Wordle together. Honestly, that just feels like a missed opportunity. Where’s the spice?!)

The next phase of the morning routine is:

  • Worldle - guess the country from its silhouette. This is pure joy for my inner geography nerd, last seen in 1985 playing Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? on an Apple II school computer.

  • Heardle - guess the song from a second-long snippet. I’ve been training all my life for that one!

  • Byrdle - for the days I really want to prolong the return to reality. It’s like Wordle, but choral music terms only. Minutes of fun to be had!

After that, I put the coffee on.

Are you into Wordle or any of its many variants? I would love to hear about your routine!

This was first published in Shauna Reid Writes A Newsletter, my twice-monthly email. You can subscribe here if you fancy!


2022 in Review


2021 in Review